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ETI use 840 cage-guided valve from CCI where it is specially designed using recent advancements in control valve technology. It is used to control a wide variety of relatively clean liquids and gases at high pressure differentials. Configured with either flow-to-open or flow-to-close trims, the valve is well suited for steam, gas or liquids, where flow-to-close is typically used for liquid service and flow-to-open for steam and gas.


The series 840 valve is flexible, allowing a variety of trim types to be installed in the body. In addition, its cage-guided construction reduces plug vibration and provides stable performance throughout travel. All 840 trims have a quick change design to guarantee convenient repair and easy trim replacement. The design of the 840H (drilled-hole-cage) valve is primarily used for severe service applications requiring anti-cavitation or low-noise trim.



In most cases, high pressure drop in process conditions may cause erosion, noise or vibration, which can affect process control. The 840H is a good solution to this severe service. The flanged body design is configured to meet ISA S75.03 face-to-face dimensions. Weld end body configurations are available with socket weld ends through 2” size and buttweld ends through 16”. The CCI MSD-II spring-diaphragm actuator is standard for this product and is pre-selected by valve size. Built in reverse (spring close) or direct (spring open) acting configurations, this unit provides control and seat loading in line with industry values.

PT. Enviromate Technology International (ETI) strive to be leading technology provider and environmental solutions provider company which always aims at persevering better environment on each of its business activity.

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Jl. Boulevard Timur No. 88 Kelapa Gading Timur Jakarta Utara 14240


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